Join the fight for social change

Partner with me and Unsilenced to create significant societal benefits with the power of a combined voice. 

The power of our partnership

Combating institutional child abuse can be a powerful collaboration. With a shared mission and values, my expertise, the dedicated Unsilenced team, combined with your organization’s platform, we can drive faster social change.

Aligning your CSR goals with myself and Unsilenced, we can work to drive awareness of the problem, raise funds, advocate for policy changes at a state and national level, conduct much-needed research, power employee volunteer programs, and build technology to help track cases of abuse and protect the survivors of residential facilities. Ultimately, your contribution will create a healthier, more educated, and stable society. In the long run, this leads to a more sustainable business environment with a capable and more substantial customer base and workforce.

Join the Attorney Database

Are you an attorney or law firm that handles institutional child abuse cases? If so, a powerful way to work with me and the Unsilenced team is to join our Attorney Database. This helps us get you connected with survivors looking for legal representation.

Contact Meg